Technical Stuff

Backup and Restore

Open the Settings panel and click Backup/Restore to open the Backup/Restore panel.

The upper part of the panel is for Backup.
To Backup the database, Click the Backup button.

  • The first time you connect to OneDrive a consent screen will be displayed where you will have to click to allow access.
  • The status will be displayed below the button as the database file is uploaded to OneDrive.
  • Optionally, modify the number of backups to keep. (the default is 5)
    Once the backup file limit is exceeded the oldest backup will be removed when a new backup is created
  • Backups files are stored in your OneDrive, in a BucksGolf folder.
    File example: 20150209_205257_BucksGolfVer1.sqlite in the format yyyymmdd_HHMMss_BucksGolfVer1.sqlite

The lower part of the panel is for Restore.
To Restore the database...

  1. Click the Show File List button.
    This will retrieve the list of database files that have been backed up on OneDrive and show then in the Backup File List box.
  2. Select the backup file that you want to restore.
  3. Click the Restore button.
    Restore will replace the current local database so the old data within the current database will be lost.


BucksGolf was written for Windows 8.1 in C# and XAML. It uses MvvmLight from GalaSoft and the WinRTXamlToolkit. The database is SQLite of Windows. The MicroSoft Live library was used to access OneDrive.